Baby Teething: Symptoms and Remedies of Teething in Babies and Children

Welcoming a new member into the family brings enormous joy along with the responsibility of tracking and understanding their developmental milestones. One such milestone is odontiasis or baby teething. Baby teething is a natural process in which a baby’s first teeth, also known as milk teeth or deciduous teeth, begin to emerge through the gum line. Though this is a bigger step in the developmental journey of your baby it can also bring discomfort in your life. In this guideline, we will jump into every little aspect of your baby's teething, from its beginning to how you can soothe and care for your child.
What is Baby Teething?
Baby teething refers to the process of primary teeth eruption through the gums, mostly starting at the age of six months. However, this is not a hard and fast rule, it can vary from one child to the other. Some children experience teething as early as three months while others at the age of twelve months.
When Do Babies Start Teething?
Infants experience teething at different times, although it usually starts around the age of six months. At this age, the lower central incisors are the ones that usually emerge first. After that, the upper central incisors erupt. Then, in a certain order, come the molars, canines, and lateral incisors.
Symptoms of Teething
There are a few signs of teething that can help parents reduce discomfort and provide the required care for their little ones. Common signs of teething are,
Irritability: Due to soreness in the gums and increased sensitivity, babies may act more fussy than normal.
Drooling: During teething the baby's salivary glands are more active than normal which is why excessive drooling is a common symptom of teething.
Chewing and Biting: Babies who are experiencing teething may bite on fingers or objects.
Swollen Gums: When teeth emerge, the surrounding tissue may seem red, inflamed, and sensitive.
Disturbed Sleep: Teething discomfort can disturb a baby's sleep schedule, causing them to wake up more often during the night.
Loss of Appetite: Gum discomfort may cause some newborns to lose interest in eating.
Order of Teething
Teeth emerge predictably, though there can be some slight variation in babies. The order of eruption of teeth is as follows:
Tooth Type |
Upper Teeth |
Lower Teeth |
Central Incisors |
8-12 months |
6-10 months |
Lateral Incisors |
9-13 months |
10-16 months |
First Molars |
13-19 months |
14-18 months |
Canines |
16-22 months |
17-23 months |
Second Molars |
25-33 months |
23-31 months |
Central Incisors: Central Incisors are your baby's first teeth and they emerge in the timeline of 6 to 12 months.
Lateral Incisors: Lateral incisors are located in between canines and front teeth and they emerge in the timeline of 9 to 16 months.
First Molar: Molars are the rectangular teeth that help to grind food and they emerge in the timeline of 13 to 19 months.
Canines: Canines are the pointy teeth that exist next to the lateral incisors and they emerge in the timeline of 16 to 23 months.
Second Molar: The second set of molars starts emerging at the age of 23 to 33 months and they also help grind food.
How Long Does Teething Last?
The process of teething is slow and might take several months. A complete set of primary teeth emerges during two to three years on average. But the pain normally peaks at the moment each tooth pierces the gums and goes away when the tooth has fully emerged.
What Can I Give My Baby for Teething Pain?
There are so many ways to reduce the teething pain and soothe your little one,
- You can gently massage your baby’s gums to relieve the teething pain. But wash your hands before doing that.
- There are also cold teething toys that can numb your baby’s gum and provide relief to the sore gums.
- Use a clean washcloth or muslin cloth and place it in the refrigerator before allowing your baby to chew on it. It can reduce pain.
- There are also teething biscuits solely designed to soothe the teething discomforts.
Things to Avoid in Teething
There are a few things that need to be avoided while taking care of your baby’s teething pain. Things that should be avoided are,
- Jewelry and teething necklaces should not be used since they can cause strangulation or provide a choking danger.
- Certain substances in homeopathic teething treatments may not be suitable for use with young children. The best course of action is to speak with a healthcare provider before utilizing them.
- Alcohol-containing over-the-counter teething gels should be avoided because of the possibility of ingestion and possible negative consequences.
How Do I Care for a New Baby’s Teeth?
Baby’s oral health is very crucial, and it can prevent him from diseases. Here are some tips that you can follow to maintain the oral health of your baby,
- Start cleaning your baby’s gums even before the primary or first teeth emerge. Always use a clean, damp cloth to clean your baby’s gums after every feeding.
- After the eruption of the front tooth, use a soft brush and clean your baby’s teeth twice a day.
- To avoid dental decay, limit the amount of sugary foods and beverages.
- Make an appointment with a pediatrician after every 6 months or by the time when the first tooth emerges.
When to Visit a Doctor
Teething is a natural process, but there are several situations in which you should consult a doctor. If your baby shows a high fever it could be due to some other infections rather than teething. In case your infant is experiencing frequent vomiting or diarrhea, it is advisable to see a doctor as teething should not result in serious gastrointestinal issues. When teething, if your infant breaks out in a rash around the mouth, it may be an allergic response or some underlying disease that needs to be checked out by a doctor.
Parents who are well aware of the teething process are better able to help and nurture their children throughout this critical developmental phase. By properly identifying the symptoms, applying soothing methods, and emphasizing dental cleanliness, you may reduce discomfort and enhance your infant's overall health. Do not hesitate to seek individual advice from healthcare professionals and address any worries you may have about your baby's teething process.