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How to Prevent Diaper Rashes in Babies: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
What is Diaper Rashes

Diaper Rashes are the inflammatory reaction of the skin around the perianal and perineal areas of the babies. Almost 50% of all infants are inclined to this disease. Diaper Rashes are mainly caused by skin irritation by chemicals or fragrances used while preparing diapers. Moreover, constant exposure to moisture levels in the form of urine or poop, and soap or detergents can be the contributing factors of developing diaper rash in babies. It is important to use high-quality diapers and pants to avoid diaper rash in babies. Nappy Rash is a mild condition that can be varnished in 2 to 3 days with proper care and prevention. 

Causes of Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is the most frequently faced problem in babies and there can be so many causes of this disease. It is important to know all the possible causes so that proper prevention and treatment can be carried out. Here are some common causes of diaper rash in babies,

  • Prolonged Exposure to Moisture

If the baby is exposed to prolonged moisture levels in the form of urine and spoiled diapers, he can be prone to diaper rash more often. High moisture level helps thrive in the production of several harmful microorganisms and change the natural microbiota of the baby’s skin. Hence, it is recommended to change the baby’s diaper after every 2 hours or immediately when he poops.

  • Fungal and Bacterial Infections

As discussed earlier, excessive exposure to moisture content can lead to an increase in the production of microbial growth on the skin. Every microorganism needs a warm and moist place to grow in size and the population of microbes increases at an exponential rate every 20 minutes.

The most common infection is the fungal infection caused by Candida Albicans, which thrives everywhere there is a little bit of moisture. Candidiasis in babies can lead to rashes, scaling of the skin, itching, and chafing in the region of the buttocks, thighs, and sometimes on the stomach.

In addition to fungal infection, delay in diaper change or moisture level can also be a contributing factor in developing bacterial infections in the creases of the skin. Among the bacterial species, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pyogenes are commonly associated with rashes development in newborns.

  • Sensitivity of the Skin

Sometimes, babies' skin is sensitive to reactions against baby diapers, baby Wipes, detergents, or some kind of soap, and instantly develops a rash when exposed to any of the above items. This sensitivity can be genetic or due to the weak immune system of the newborn. In this case, rashes can be easily spread to other areas of the body.

  • Change of Diet

 As infants transition to solid foods, a notable shift occurs in their stool's composition and pH levels. This change in pH fosters heightened breakdown of urea, consequently elevating fecal enzymes. This enzymatic increase can lead to skin irritation and discomfort in the diaper area. Another important factor is diarrhea which worsens the situation even more due to changes in the natural microbiota of the gut. When these harmful microorganisms touch the skin, instantly develop rashes in the creases of the skin. Moreover, the eating habits of mothers can also cause diaper rashes in breastfeeding babies. 

  • Change of Baby Care Products

Another important cause of diaper rash is the usage of new products. Baby’s skin is already sensitive and when exposed to different brands, it gets affected easily. Baby’s skin can show inflammatory reactions to different chemicals in lotions, ointments, creams, soaps, detergents, etc.

That’s why it is important to choose the perfect baby care essentials for your little one and Bebambi can help you find all the best brands under one roof and deliver it to you within 60 minutes.

Symptoms of Diaper Rash

Every parent wants to keep his babies healthy and sound, but due to one reason or another, babies get nappy rash which is very discomforting for them. To avoid diaper rashes in babies, you need to be alert to the obvious symptoms of the rashes. Here are some common symptoms,

  • Redness, soreness, and chafing in the genitals, thighs, and buttocks area.
  • Constant crying of the baby while changing diapers.
  • Soft, inflamed, and tender skin in the diaper area.
  • Reddish raised area with tiny blisters on the skin.                                                                                                                                          
Recommended Treatments for Diaper Rash

To avoid diaper rashes, firstly it is important to use high-quality diapers free of any toxic chemicals and fragrance. Secondly, frequently check your baby’s diaper and change it when it gets moist. Third, always wash the skin with soap or warm water and dry it before applying another diaper. Fourth, apply a thick layer of cream or ointment containing zinc oxide on the baby’s buttocks; it will protect the skin from moisture. Fifth, place your baby’s infected area in warm water for a few minutes. It will help in killing fungal and bacterial species because they cannot survive at high temperatures. Last but not least, place your baby in a crib without diapers for some hours daily. It will give the rashes a chance to dry. 

Preventive Methods for Diaper Rash

Protection from diaper rash is very important as it can make your baby peevish. Here are some preventive methods to avoid diaper rash in babies,

  • Change your baby’s diaper frequently.
  • Clean the baby’s buttocks area with warm water.
  • Properly dry the skin before using another diaper.
  • Make sure of the airflow between the diaper and the skin.
  • The use of zinc oxide creams such as Desitin, Triple Paste, Balmex, and Sudocrem are very effective in preventing diaper rash, as they protect the skin of the baby from moisture. Always apply a thick layer of these creams on the baby’s skin.
  • Make sure to wash your hands before touching your baby, as your natural microbiota can affect the baby's health and lead to rashes.
  • Use natural products such as petroleum jelly to make your baby’s skin smooth and help prevent rashes.
  • Avoid using products that contain toxic chemicals and fragrances as they can irritate the baby’s skin.                                                                               
When to See a Doctor

If the rashes do not leave, or you notice some sort of redness with extreme fever, observe pus coming out of the rashes then immediately go to your doctor. This could be some serious fungal or bacterial infection. Your doctor will suggest proper treatment for the rash. 

What can Bebambi offer You

With Bebambi you can have all the baby care essentials of your choice at your doorstep in just 60 minutes. Bebambi offers all the best brands of baby care essentials under one roof. Choose the one that suits your little one best and get it delivered to your doorstep quickly. Bebambi offers you a helping hand in parenting by providing all the essentials for your baby on time and making you aware of health issues and their prevention with our blogs. Additionally, you have the option to download the Bebambi app, which offers more user-friendly experience.


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